
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Return from Hoosier-ville...

Soooo excited to be leaving Hoosier-ville!  Over the next month, I will have a new roof, a new porch railing and a cleaned up yard!  It's definitely going to cost me, but man is it going to be worth it!!!  Adult-hood sure is expensive!  : )

Pics to come in the future...

Fun Times!

March has brought me lots and lots of work, but I've found time for a few fun days...Mardi Gras, The STL St. Pat's Day Parade & St. Patty's Day.  Check out some of the pics below...

A pre-drinking breakfast at Cracker Barrel

Bundled up for the parade.  Must drink to keep warm!  ; )

The only way to do up Mardi Gras...VIP tickets inside a warm bar with normal toilets...and all the food & drink that you want!

Another pre-drinking meal before the STL St. Patty's Parade.

What a different a week makes in the weather!  What a great day!

...and finally the celebration of St. Pat.  Fun Mary came all the way from the ATL to see how the STL does up St. Patty's Day!

Fun times with good friends!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Better than perfect...

That's right! I'm better than eyes, at least. I went to the optometrist yesterday for my 6 month checkup following the PRK surgery. Great news! Both eyes are 20/15...better than 20/20...better than perfect! Yahoo! It was a long recovery, but completely worth it. I think I'll celebrate with a green beer on Thursday with the girls!

Happy Tuesday!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 11, 2011

Crazy times...

Wow!  It sure has been a couple of crazy, busy weeks!  Last week I was in Tampa all week.  Came home just in time to hit up Mardi Gras with the girls!  What a nice set up that was!  Larry & Vicki really hooked us up!!  VIP tickets to Bar food, drinks & good bathrooms!  I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do Mardi Gras the traditional way again.

This week has been super crazy too!  Chad had a conference at SLU the first part of the week.  Now he's in MA for the weekend at another conference.  Phew!  I'm exhausted just talking about it!  Just when we thought it was going to get back to normal, we both go out of town again in the next 3 different times.  Thank goodness I have another girls day planned tomorrow for the STL St. Patty's Day Parade...and again on Thursday for St. Patty's Day.  That should provide some release for my crazy life!  Can't wait!!