1) Wednesday was a good day overall, so it's getting two spots on the HFFF list. I was looking forward to Wednesday of this week, as my boss was taking our leadership team off-site for a team building event. (Now you're probably thinking that I spent the day with my peers making our way through some obstacle course or falling backwards into someone's arms, but it wasn't anything like that.) We spent the day downtown at the Sprint Accelerator space, which is the venue that was chosen for the event - not necessarily what is done there on a daily basis. It's only about a 3 minute drive from our condo (which is the other reason that I was looking forward to Wednesday - not having to drive 20+ minutes to work). It's such an awesome space! It makes me wish I was one of those creative types working for some advertising or marketing agency. We had a lengthy break after lunch, so I took it upon myself to play my first Foosball game in probably 10 years. I didn't do too bad at all! The team building event was a nice reason to be away from the office. We capped off the day with dinner at one of my faves - Extra Virgin.
2) Wednesday afternoon my Grams was released from an extended stay at a nursing facility. She had a rough end to last year but she's on the mend and happy to be back at home with my Gramps.
3) Essie 3-Way Glaze! My nails are so thin and fragile that it's almost worthless to paint them - at least when I do it. The nail polish always chips off after a day or two. It's a bit better when I get them done professionally, but I don't always have time for that...and barely want to leave the house these days in this bitter cold. One of the blogs that I read mentioned this product, so I tried it. Man, it is fabulous!!!!! I can go 4-5 days without a single chip - maybe even longer, which is a record for me! Love, love, LOVE!
4 & 5) Chad and I have been sick most of the last week - him with his asthma and me with a head cold. So we've been laying around not doing much...lends itself to a low key week. So the last two HFFF events are pics of what makes me happy when I come home each day. Queue the "awwwww"s.
Have a warm weekend!