
Monday, August 10, 2015

Chad's 42nd!

Another year has come and gone for the Hubs...and sadly I didn't accomplish taking but 2 photos...none of which are of Chad.  LOL!  #birthdayfail

This year I managed to get some treats of my own for Chad's birthday.  We started the weekend by purchasing a new MacBook Pro for me!  Yahoo!  My current laptop is dying a slow death - constant issues.  I wanted to be ready for Gnocchi's arrival and all the pics we'd be taking, so it wasn't an option in my eyes to wait any longer.  Missouri had it's Back To School Tax Free shopping weekend this weekend - gotta love it!  We ended up with discounts for that and an educator discount (since Chad works for the university).  Can't beat it!  Now I'm just working on learning Mac-style...much more difficult than it sounds.  

I'm totally in love with my new "mini" (my nickname for it, since it's a 13").  I downsized from "Big Red", my 17" Dell.  I thought it would be horrible, but the screen is quite nice.  Also totally loving the fact that it syncs directly to my, texts, etc.  I've got so much more to learn though!!!

Saturday was spent getting  couples massage at the Spa on Penn...prenatal for me & relaxation/therapeutic for him.  This was our first time at this spa, and I'd definitely go back.  Everything was clean, staff were professional and prices were competitive.  I booked it since we've been working so hard lately and didn't get to go on the baby moon we had hoped to!  I hadn't had a massage in a year, and Chad's last massage was on our honeymoon...almost 3 years ago!!!  It didn't disappoint however!  It was quite heavenly, and I'm always surprised how fast that hour flies by!  

We ended the day with a delicious dinner at Bristol Seafood.  This is another place that doesn't disappoint...always consistent with yummy food & excellent service!  I always go for their scrumptious Lobster Cobb salad and Chad had the fresh salmon.  I did manage two pics at of our divine dessert...

Strawberry Shortcake with lemon cake & roasted strawberry ice cream

...and the other, a bathroom selfie of me.  LOL!  

Sunday was back to the normal grind...housework, bills, grocery shopping, etc.  It was a fun weekend though, and we're looking forward to our 3D ultrasound scheduled on Monday!


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Insta Recap

Another crazy, busy week has flown by without me even realizing it!  I'm totally trying to focus more on blogging, since I've been almost non-existent these days.  

I finally figured out why it has seemed so crazy around here lately.  We're focusing on so many rooms at once...basically all of them...instead of updating/decorating one room at a time.  Sheer madness!!!  I don't think we planned on doing things this way - just kind of worked out like that.  I'll do a home update post soon, but here's a list of what we've been up to lately...and still need to do.  Makes me exhausted thinking about it.

* Organized & updated hardware.  (I think we're basically done in this room for now.)

Dining Room:
* Purchased new dining room chairs, since we lost ours in the condo sale. 
* Purchased new dining room light.  Waiting for that to arrive & then will have electrician hang it.
* Still need to purchase dining room rug.
* Need to hang art

Upstairs Deck:
* Purchased new table/chairs/cushions.
* Still need to purchase outdoor rug.
* Need to hang art.

Living Room/Foyer:
* Purchased new rug & console/media table.
* Purchased new foyer light - electrician needs to hang.

Master Suite:
* Had professional closet installed.  Hallelujah!!!
* Need to hang art.
* Eventually - next year - want to switch out lighting & faucets in master bathroom.  

Hallways (up/down):
* Purchased & hung 5 new semi-flush mounts.

Guest Suite:
* Purchased new nightstands & linens.
* Hung new curtains
* Installed shelves in guest bathroom.
* Need to hang art.

3rd Bathroom (Gnocchi's):
* Purchased & hung new vanity light.
* Need to hang art & shelves - already purchased.
* Need to paint.

* Purchased & put together crib, dresser & storage shelves.
* Waiting on replacement for rocker/glider.
* Hung new curtains.
* Need to hang shelves & art.

* Haven't started on laundry/mudroom area - needs work.
* Haven't started on downstairs half bath - needs work.
* Haven't started on office yet.  Need to purchase day bed to add an extra spot for our guests.

Wow!!!  There is still a ton on the "To Do" list that I want to accomplish before Delivery Day!!!  I better get to the sharing of random pics, so that I can go accomplish something else.  LOL!!!

(Clockwise from top left)
1.  Super cute sleeping sack I purchased on clearance from Gap!  I can't get enough of those ants!!!
2.  K&T - such an adorable shot!  Miss these two!!
3.  Gnocchi's Halloween costume - glow-in-the-dark style!  LOL!  He can't go without on Momma's favorite holiday!  He'll be just a wee newborn then, so I'm sure we'll just be chillaxin' at home.

(Clockwise from top left again)
You know I can't end this without sharing pics of the fur babies!!
1.  Lucky can barely fit on my lap these days, but she figures out how!
2.  Smokey helping dad put up lights.
3.  Lucky napping on Momma's new laptop case.
4.  Smokey chillin' in his new favorite spot - our deck.

Hope you're getting some R&R this weekend!

Monday, August 3, 2015

The 5th & 6th Months

My how time flies when you're having fun!  I'm obviously super late in posting these.  it's been truly crazy around these parts lately.  I look back at this time frame and it seems like so long ago.  We've actually accomplished so much since then, but we still have quite a way to go.  

I celebrated by 38th birthday during my 17th week of pregnancy.  I definitely am glad that I waited until later in life to have a child...but I still feel like an "old momma".  I picture Chad & I being the oldest parents in the school.  LOL!  At this point, I still hadn't felt Gnocchi move yet, so I was using the Doppler a couple of times a week...mostly to make myself feel better.  :)

We closed on our new home this week!  It was truly bittersweet!  I was ecstatic to start designing & decorating our new home - the home in which we'll raise our sweet little man!  On the other hand, I was super sad to be leaving our friends at One Park Place.  We loved our little community there - not to mention our awesome condo & its amenities.

At this point, my iced tea cravings had really started to kick in....AND I FINALLY FELT GNOCCHI MOVE!  Yahoo!!!

Week 20 was awesome!  My mom came in town, and we all went for a Level 2 Ultrasound.  Wow!  What an amazing experience!!  We basically got to watch Gnocchi move around for about 30 minutes.  It made it so much more real!

 Here's a few of my favorite pics...
The upside down gymnast

Mr. Muscles
It's All Good, Man!


Week 20 consisted of continued bliss from the ultrasound the week before, more iced tea cravings and lots of new home planning.

Week 21 began and ended with bathroom trips.  LOL!  For some reason, I thought that this pregnancy symptom came along later.  Not true.  Barely showing but definitely know where the bathroom is!  I also started to have some back/rib pain about this time - very uncomfortable.  I knew I'd have back pain during the pregnancy, but it's very different than how I pictured it.

Week 22 commenced with work on our house, as well as a contract on our condo.  Yahoo!!  Baby planning was on hold while we focused on the house.  Back/rib pain & iced tea cravings continue.  

Week 23 - we moved into the new house!!  Again exciting and bittersweet all at the same time!  Mom & John came into town to help us since my stamina just isn't what it used to be.  Thank goodness for the help!  I'd probably still be unpacking.  LOL!

Week 24 - more back/rib pain.  Boo!  This week we were able to plan for both the new house, as well as the baby.  It really felt good to start baby planning again!!

We've accomplished so much more in the last month!  Stay tuned for more Gnocchi updates!!
