
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Infant Airline Travel

I wouldn't call us professionals, but we're definitely seasoned travelers in regards to flying with an infant.  We've taken two trips so far with Grey - at 6 & 7.5 months.  So I thought I'd share what worked & didn't work for us.

First up...

Packing - Carry-Ons

This is probably one of the most important steps, as it is the items that you will need easy access to throughout your travel.  No pressure, but you MUST get this right.  I can't remember where I read this - probably another blog when I was researching travel - but it said to use backpacks as carry-ons to free up your hands.  Each person traveling with an infant will need 5 additional hands, so it's important not to unnecessarily tie up the two that you actually have.  We decided to scratch the actual diaper bags that we have, even though they can be carried "messenger" style.  That wouldn't have helped the person wearing the baby (which I also recommend you do).  If you have a diaper bag backpack, then you're a step ahead.  We didn't, so I just pulled out some old backpacks that we had. Worked great.

It's interesting how your carry-ons used to be about you...iPad, magazines, books, etc.  I'd suggest taking one of those.  You may get a few min to yourself if you're lucky and have room on your lap.  I wouldn't pack more than one of those items.  The space in your carry-ons is precious, and you'll need every last inch of it.  We took 2 backpacks with the following items.  One we designated for food & bottles, while the other had toys & meds.

* Passports/IDs (Will need birth certificate for infant)
* Plane tickets/boarding pass (if not using electronic)
* Bottles with pre-measured formula amounts in them (Plan for 1-2 bottles extra)
* Bibs & burp cloths (pack extra)
* Baby food & spoon (pack an extra)
* Diapers (Planing for 1 per hour of flight should give you the extra you'll need)
* Diaper cream
* Wipes (pack plenty for wiping down seats, arm rests, tray tables, etc.)
* Changing pad
* Thin blanket
* Extra clothes for you & baby
* Meds (prescription & over-the-counter, such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Gripe Water) - Don't forget the vessels you use to give the medication to baby
* Toys (pack a new toy or two)
* Pacifiers
* Travel size baby wash
* Ziplock bags
* Snacks for you & baby
* Magazine/Book/iPad (choose one)
* Pen/paper

Packing the Suitcase

After you've finished packing the carry-ons, focus your attention on the suitcase(s).  I've never been a good packer - always taking more than needed.  Well, traveling with an infant will make you take a good, hard look at your own belongings.  Why?  Because infant require soooooo much stuff!!  It's amazing!  Here's what you'll need to consider bringing for baby:

* Accessories: Hat, sunglasses & shoes
* Outfits: 2 per day  (Packing these in individual ziplock bags with their accessories means no hunting for the outfit.)
* Baby Toiletries: Lotion, baby wash, shampoo, sunscreen, etc.
* Bibs/burp cloths
* Feeding: Extra bottles, spoons, etc.
* Diaper cream
* Nail clippers
* Toys
* Brush
* Blanket

I suggest buying the following at your destination or shipping it there ahead of time to save room in the suitcase.  You'll be lugging a lot around the airport.  No need to lug more...or pay additional luggage fees.
* Diapers & wipes
* Formula
* Baby food/Snacks

Additional gear to consider:
* Car seat  (We suggest purchasing a car seat cover & gate checking it.)
* Stroller  (We also bought a stroller cover & chose to check it.)
* Pack-n-Play or something to sleep in
* Baby carrier, such as Ergo
* Shopping cart/high chair cover

It really is crazy how much stuff you need to bring.  On our two trips so far, I think the only things that I didn't need was the blanket in the carry on and a few outfits.  I would not consider forgoing these items though.  We could have easily had a blow out and needed those outfits, or the plane could have been cold.  I'll write a separate post on maneuvering the airport with an infant.

Happy Packing!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Grey's World: Eight is Great!

So we have an 8 month old in the house.  No big deal.  Whatever!  That means in another 3 months, we'll have a 1 year old!  Holy crap!!!!  I know I just delivered him yesterday, right?!?!?!

{Weight: 18lbs 8oz}

{Likes: gnawing on everything, acting silly, standing, clapping & singing}

{Dislikes: getting dressed & the sun in his eyes}

{Favorite Foods: sweet potatoes, avocados & ice chips}

{Favorite Toys: stacking rings, silicone spoon, Baby Einstein piano & 
Fisher Price lunchbox}

During Grey's 8th month, we took our second trip with him on an airplane.  He did much better this trip, which we attribute to flight times.  (More on this in another post.)  This time we visited Chad's mom & grandmother back in Rochester.  It was a great trip.  We were lucky to visit lots of family.  

The rest of this month has just flown by.  Here's some pics of our whirlwind month...

Visiting his cuzzie's

Fun at daycare


Grey, Grey and more Grey