Grey turned 14 months in early December! Holy cow! Unbelievable! His personality is really starting to shine through these days. :)
Grandpa Bill and Grandma Mary Sue came for a visit in mid-December. Grey had a good time showing him all his toys and walking all around everywhere with Grandpa. We ended the weekend with brunch at Harvey's in Union Station. I always love visiting Union Station at Christmas. They have the best decorations!! It's a must see if you ever visit KC around the holidays!
Also in mid-December I had the pleasure of spending a week in Minneapolis (with negative temperatures) at our corporate headquarters. Holy cow, it was cold!! Brrrr!!!! I hate leaving the boys, but I appreciate how Grey's daycare staff send me pics throughout the week. Leaving would be much easier if they were sending me to Florida! LOL.
Prior to heading back to STL for the holidays, Grey had ear tubes inserted. We were quite nervous about the procedure, but all went very well. We couldn't have asked for a better experience. Grey recovered wonderfully and has been doing well since.
After a very busy month, we finally headed home for the holidays. Lots of family time, cards and Red Rooster. (You'll have to ask me about that. Delish!) Grey was more interested in the Christmas activities this time around, which made it a bit more fun this year.
Unfortunately, we lost a beloved member of our household once we returned home from the Christmas holiday. Smokey had been sick for several years, and it had finally taken its toll. It was a difficult decision for us, but we feel it was for the best. We love and miss his terribly.
We celebrated the end of 2016 with our neighbors, and Grey's BFFs. We're so lucky to have such great neighbors that I can call friends. It's been a great year. More on my 2016 reflection soon!
More posts to come, I promise.