
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Influenza A 1 - Chad/Lisa 0

As most of you know by now, Chad and I are down for the count.  Chad woke up in the middle of the night Saturday/Sunday with a fever and body aches.  This continued into Sunday morning.  He had plans to leave on a business trip that Monday morning, so he wanted to get checked out right away to determine what the issue was.  We headed to a nearby ER, where they diagnosed him with Influenza A and asthma exacerbation.  He received steroids and several breathing treatments, but his oxygen saturation and overall breathing just weren't improving.  So they decided to admit him Sunday afternoon.

I was feeling fine at this point...just a bit exhausted from being in the ER all Sunday.  I came home Sunday evening and cooked dinner and went to bed early.  Guess what?  I, too, developed fever and cough in the middle of the night.  I woke up Monday morning feeling like hell.  I was lucky enough to find a physician that would see me (since I had not yet established myself with one).  I'll give ya one guess as to what he diagnosed me with??  Yep, Influenza A...and sinusitis...and we've been down for the count since.  Chad even had his flu vaccine this year, but I guess he found a strain that wasn't covered in the vaccine.  Lucky us!

As of today, I'm on my 3rd day of a fever and feeling like hell.  I'm hoping that I can at least stay awake more than yesterday.  I can't even count how many naps I took yesterday.  Chad remains hospitalized.  His breathing is getting better ever so slowly, but it really is taking a long time.  His body usually responds a bit faster to the meds, but they say that the flu course is really slowing things down.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!  This has definitely been a challenge...both of us being sick and in a foreign place.

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