One of the first things that I wanted to figure out was how to document this pregnancy. This will probably be our one and only journey down this road, so I wanted to do it up right. :) However, I'm not a scrapbooker. I'd barely even have a creative bone in my body. So we wanted something simple to document both the growing baby bump, as well as all the pregnancy & life changes that we would go through. After researching several different options, we came up with the following.
The First Trimester seemed to fly by quite quickly actually. I felt pretty "normal" up until 9th week mark. Prior to then I had a tad bit of nausea when I woke up in the mornings, but it was quickly remedied by a slice of peanut butter or almond butter toast. No big deal. Right around the 8th week my nausea became pretty debilitating...lasting about 5 hours or so per day. This made anything - especially my work day - almost impossible. Fortunately I had been seeing an acupuncturist prior to becoming pregnant and had read that acupuncture can actually help with morning sickness. I made another appointment and my nausea was reduced to almost nothing within a day or two. Amazing!!!
By week 10 the nausea was still pretty minimal, but I had developed some serious sinus symptoms. Since you're not supposed to take medications during the first trimester, I was pretty miserable. I headed back to the acupuncturist in hopes that would help....and it did!!! Yahoo!! Gnocchi and I are totally loving acupuncture!
Around the end of the first trimester started my food cravings changed from wanting everything in sight to just wanting specific foods (mainly mac & cheese) and total aversion to other foods (BBQ, pizza & meat). Craziness!
There were several things that totally caught me off guard during the first trimester:
- The exhaustion! Oh, the exhaustion!! You hear about how pregnant women are exhausted, but there's no way you can truly understand what that means unless you've actually experienced it. My typical work day doesn't allow for many breaks, if any. I think I basically walked around like a zombie for the second half of the day - every day! I still haven't gotten my energy back yet (like they say you do in the 2nd trimester), but it isn't near as bad as it was. Thanks goodness!
- Motion sickness: I have never had motion sickness in my life, so this one totally threw me for a loop! I could not look at anything in the car that I used to be able, magazines, etc. Man, this totally makes for boring car rides! LOL! This one has subsided some, but it still sneaks up on me from time to time.
- Food cravings & aversions: I guess this one shouldn't surprise me, since it's probably one of the most talked about pregnancy symptoms. I think it was just different than I expected it would be. I guess I thought I would continue to like foods that I liked before I was pregnant and my aversions would be for foods that I didn't like. So when I began to crave mac & cheese, it didn't surprise me at all, since it was my absolute favorite food as a child. However, my aversion to pizza was like a smack in the face. I love pizza! So much so that I attempted to eat it about three different times - experiencing an aversion each time. LOL! I've finally given up on least for the time being.
- New aches, pains & cramps: I'm not sure how to describe this one. I guess it's just all the new things you experience & feel. You have to figure out what they mean...and if they meant one thing prior to pregnancy, they definitely mean something different now.
It's been a wild ride so far and only getting crazier!
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