Aside from having to keep the house clean for potential showings & being super tired, we also had construction going on & a negative-pressure containment tent up all week. A couple of weeks ago we noticed water leaking into our unit from the tops of our living room windows. After some investigation, we were told that the drain on the 4th floor ledge (above us) had sprung a leak, which was causing the "water feature" in our unit. (Not a useful feature when attempting to sell your home.) The only good thing about it is the issue was in a "common area" and not our unit.'s of no monetary expense to us...just time & aggravation. So they called in a contractor, who had to cut into our ceiling and through the building firewall, which contained asbestos (not conducive to breathing let along pregnancy), to fix the drain. I basically spent the week confined to the bedroom, because the living room was impossible to use with the large tent and constant fan running. It was like having your stove vent on high annoying!!!
Things are getting back to normal this week. Chad returned home on Friday, and the containment tent was removed today. The repairs should all be complete tomorrow hopefully, and we can get back to selling our unit!
Here's a few randoms from the past week...
- Chad & I tried out a new place for a quick Sunday Brunch yesterday, The Mixing Bowl Noshery. It's like a home-cooked diner. It was a beautiful day, so we decided to sit outside. The patio is right next to the drive-up sign, which is right next to the front door. Too funny!
- A great pic of K & T! I couldn't resist sharing!!
- Chad's replacement. 'Nuff said. LOL! Actually we're calling this "The Lifeboat". I truly feel like I could float on this thing at sea. It's huge but very comfortable. It's just missing a cup holder and remote pocket, because one you're in - you're in.
- New arm candy!! Chad surprised me with this early birthday present...a super cute zodiac bangle from Kate Spade!!
- Another that I couldn't resist sharing....Hanna is so excited to be playing in the mulch!
Aside from all the fun above, we had a busy & productive weekend. Chad & I hit up First Fridays in the Crossroads for the Food Truck Fest on Friday night. Saturday, we ran errands and picked up some maternity clothes from a friend. (Thanks, Jen!!) We spent Sunday checking out the Brookside Art Fair and being completely overwhelmed at Buy Buy Baby. LOL. Now it's back to the grind. Hope everyone had a fun & relaxing weekend!!
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