{ 15lbs 4oz & 25 inches }
{ Faves: Mamas & Papas play mat, car rides & anything he can put in his mouth! }
{ Dislikes: Baths }
The 4th month has been a transition month for us. I started back to work & Grey started daycare. It actually hasn't been as bad as I had envisioned. Staying home wasn't an option for us financially, so I just had to get myself in the right frame of mind. The best thing about being back to work is "adult time". Although it isn't the adult time I'd choose, it is really nice to have conversations that don't involve poop, formula, milestones, spit up, etc. LOL. The worst thing about being back to work is, of course, the lack of time with Grey. I thought I would have time with him in the early evenings, but that doesn't work out well (see explanation below). So I just truly cherish my weekend time with him.
Grey has done really well at daycare...except for his lack of naps, which may just be the new norm. He loves his teachers, new "friends" and all the activities so much that he doesn't want to miss any of it. Therefore, he naps about 90 min total (over 3 naps) on average while he's there. Eek! When we get him home, he's typically a tad fussy due to lack of sleep. We swaddle him up right away and the rest of the evening goes a little like this...
- 5:00 PM: Down for a nap
- 6-6:30 PM: Wake him up feeding
- 7 PM: Down for a evening sleep
- 10:30 PM: Wake him for feeding
- 11 PM: Down for the night
So you can see how there is absolutely no time to connect with him in the evenings. If he had a tad more sleep during the day, we may get a few extra minutes with him for a bath, but that's not very often. I end up actually missing him by the time Friday rolls around and am ready to cuddle with him on the weekend!
Grey is doing well with milestones. By the end of the 4th month, he had rolled over from tummy to back a few times but not consistently. He's starting to use his hands & fingers more (without fists)...even holding onto toys at times. He loves sitting up supported. He also is getting much more comfortable with tummy time thanks to daycare. They really work with him, and he's made significant progress towards milestones since he's been going there. This is another reason why it's easier to leave him there. He enjoys it and they really work with him!
He gets to watch himself & make faces in the mirror.
They read to him.
They work on milestones like tummy time.
They do fun projects.
Overall the 4th month has been good. Grey is developing his own personality & really starting to babble. Our family is normalizing to a routine. Life is good - tired, but good.
Here's a few of our favorite pics from the past month...
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