Total #momfail
Things got so hectic this month that I failed to post his 6 month pic until 2 days before he turns 7 months. Talk about squeezing it in at the last minute! So you'll get two posts full of cuteness this month.
Wasn't it just yesterday that I was laboring...or that we were bringing our Grey baby home? Time sure does fly when you're having fun!
{17 lbs, 2 oz & 26.75 inches}
{Likes: Solids, Mom's singing, playing peek-a-boo & kitties}
{Dislikes: getting dressed}
The most exciting this that happened in month six was the addition of solids to Grey's diet. He has been working hard on being a supported sitter, so (along with the doc) felt that it was time. He loves being a big boy and eating food from a spoon. I made his first solid - sweet potatoes - from scratch. It was quite a bit easier than I originally thought! Since the above sweet potato massacre (pictured below), he's had avocados, carrots, peas & apples...and loved all of them! I sure hope that he continues to be a good eater!
He's been hitting his milestones pretty regularly. Grey is now a supported sitter, as previously mentioned, and can now roll from both tummy to back and back to tummy. He's also such a happy boy! We're such proud parents over the smallest of things! Who would've thought?!
Enjoy some pics of Grey's 6th month...
Daycare Pics
Other favorites...
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