
Sunday, December 7, 2014

A taste of Italy - Spicy Oil

We finally got around to making the Italian Spicy Oil we found on every Italian restaurant table while in Paris & Geneva.  We couldn't get enough of this stuff while we there.  If you missed my previous post, you can find it here.

I researched several ways to make it, but there really isn't much more to it outside of putting some peppers in oil and waiting...and waiting...and waiting.  That was truly the most difficult part - the waiting.  LOL!  I wanted it to be perfect immediately!

It really is super easy! Take about 15-20 ornamental red peppers and make a slit vertically down the pepper.

Put the peppers in the bottle and fill it with EVOO.  Then the waiting begins.  As the peppers begin to fill with oil they will sink to the bottom.  But it will take at least two weeks for it become spicy.  

Several of the recipes I read mentioned that any peppers floating at the top should be covered in oil, or they will become moldy.  This has not happened to us to date, but we tipped the bottle from side to side at least once each day during the first week.  We also ended up adding a bit more oil than what is shown above.

Ours has been marinating for about 2 weeks now.  I'm thinking that we're going to have to order pizza soon, so that we can try it out.  I'm sure hoping it tastes just as good as Paris! Finger crossed!!


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